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Indeed,beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder! We come across many things in our daily lives.Most things look ordinary and only a few are really beautiful.That is what to most people are.However, there exists a small group of people who have the ability to see more beauty in their own daily lives.They manage to see the extra ordinary components of the ordinary things in their own ways.In short,they have beautiful eyes.It is not what they see,but more about how they see and feel.Everyone has two eyes but this group has the 3rd eye that make them see what is not visually exposed.

Just study the above photo  and the photo below.They just happened to be where I was with a camera.The moments like these are very rare-may be a chance in my life time.If I don't have the camera,these images will be gone.At best,they remain in my memory.What is more important is I realised their presence and captured these moments beautifully.I hope I did.

Below are a few more photos that came out of my camera. These are what I saw and what I captured using my camera. I took each one of them for a different reason.

Men and nature in harmony.

Lighted geometry enhanced the wetlands.

Layers of Symmetry

Natural framing


Graphics in Motion

Being together

Sharing The Moments


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