In the next twelve days,I will be exploring the theory and good practice of B&W photography.Herewith I uploaded four photos that were converted to B&W from my existing colour photos.The chosen photos have some features that would make them look better in B&W, hopefully. Why suddenly I want to shoot in B&W? Actually,my interest began more than a year ago when I started to take part in Street Photography,where most photos are in B&W.Slowly,I began to see its beauty without colours.To me,colours are more real than B&W.The coloured photos reflect reality of the world as it is.At my age of 60 years plus,I have never seen this world in black and white.To me then ,B&W are just images of the reality-in two tones! Last weekend,I came upon an old Digital Camera Magazine,Dec.,2008.Reading it again after seven years,I saw a series of articles on B&W photography.I counted 25 pages of them.After reading and pondering on this subject matter,the...