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Sharing Cycling Experience via photography

During cycling with my friends,I do take some photos.A few of my friends take a lot of photos of our cycling events.I did not have much time because most of the time,I was leading the ride and my main responsibility is to manage the ride and take care of the riders.I enjoy seeing my friends having a good exercise while having fun with their friends.Taking photos during the ride is a bonus.For my photography interest,I go photowalk with different group and on my own.However,I do arrange for more photo sessions on some rides.

After each ride,my cycling friends will upload and shares their photos at our Facebook group and at their own facebook walls.They share and spread the fun and the healthy benefits of cycling.More and more are joining the rides.Our Putrajaya Cycling Club or community has almost 900 members.The social media like whatsapp,facebook,twitters are good at sharing our cycling experience.

Sharing our moments of having fun is very personal.We achieve this through our photos taken by all of us.With smart phone,everyone can take photos and share.Of course, not every is a good photographer but the photos are good enough for sharing our events and experience.Below are two photos taken by my friend Omrin.

Our cycling ladies with their antics-having fun with friends at beautiful pitstop.


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