Assuming I take 10 photos a day,and in one year,I will have at least 3,000 photos.No wonder,my flickr account has more than 20,000 photos.It was here that an advertizing agency noticed my landscape shot of Putrajaya Wetland and bought to use in advertisement to sell properties for Putrajaya Holding Sdn. Bhd.This is my first photo sale and for the time ever my photo was splased in three national newspapers.As non-professional photographer,it was my happiest moment since I bought my first DSLR in December,2006.My Flickr account is free. About two years ago,I subscribed to a paid account at is a good photo sahring website but it does not suit me.Now,I am keeping it as free account. In 2014,I joined another photo sharing and archiving website.It is called is more friendly and active as compared to Flickr and was here that I got noticed by EyeEm and I was selected to be one of the subcribers chosen to submit my photos to be evaluated and p...
Musings on photography and my photos.