I am very happy with my Samsung Galaxy Note5 as a mobile phone and its abilty to shoot good photos for sharing online.However,as a photography enthusiast,I still prefer a good compact camera when I am on the go.For more serious and important photography,I prefer my real camera Fujifilam X-T1.Photos from mobile phones look nice on small screen but not on big screen or when it goes to printing.
Photos from smart phones can look as good as from compact camera provided we take time and effort to compose a good photo with good lighting.Herewith,I have a few shots taking advantages of good natural lighting from the sun and using Pro Mode feature in my Note5.
B&W Shot was enhanced by strong sunlight,and not by post editing/filters etc.
If you have PRO MODE feature in your mobile phone,learn and use it.It has funtions that can change the camera aperture,speed White Balance,Shutter Speed,Metering and Special effects.Please master these applications so that you can get great photos most of the time.
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