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EyeEm Lesson #01-Identify A Subject

First thing first.To shoot,I must have the ability to see something.Second,I have to decide how and when to shoot.It takes less than 5 seconds to decide when I took this photo as shown below.It is the moment-either you see or you don't.If you see,either you shoot or you don't.

Referring to the note given by EyeEm above,we need to plan and be ready to shoot in the way that the photos will come out more interesting.In the above photo,there was no planning at all.It just happened on my way to the departure hall of KLIA.I saw,I composed and I shot and I shared.

In normal cases,we plan ahead what and where and when to shoot .If I want to shoot black swans in Putrajaya,I must go to Putrajaya Wetland in the morning.Take along my zoom lens and tripod.

A good photographer is just like a ccompetent engineer.He must have knowledge,skills,tools and techniques and last but not least  good attitude.


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