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What a year for me! I have been very active with my Fujifilm camera as well as Smartphone Note5 camera. Both have served me well.However, sadly I have not fully utilised all their functions. From past records, I will have upgraded to the new models earlier than I could have to fully utilise all the features! Such is life.



Photography has enriched my life as I grow older.I have fun and joy taking photos of my grand children, cycling with friends, outings/holidays with my family and friends, photowalks with my fellow photography hobbyists, attending phototalks and visiting photo exhibitions. Pheww..What I great year. I am very grateful to Allah for His mercies on me.

One success story is the Putrajaya Photowalk Facebook Group. It has about 300 members and 200 of them active and 20 of them posted about 20 photos every month. I am very happy to see my friends keep uploading and sharing their great photos with the group.Every week we have a topic!

During my SDAR Batch 65-70 gathering in Tanjung Malim,I was given the honour to take the group photograph. It was never in my dream because when I was at school,I did not have any interest in photography. Only in the last three years, my friends noticed that I can take good photos. Now, my relatives insisted me taking their photos when we attend family weddings. For the record,I got my first DSLR Canon 400D in December 2006 and I kept shooting in auto mode for six years. What a shame.

As they say, the rest is history. I am not a rich man to buy expensive cameras. I have one camera with only kit lens and a good Note5 from Samsung Galaxy.

So what is next for me in My Photography 2018? I will keep doing what I am doing and never stop learning. Hopefully,I can become at least 20% better than what I was in 2017. However,I plan to do a few photo projects with my friends to create a few social change. Photography is a powerful medium to send messages and to tell stories that lead to actions. InsyaAllah.  


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