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I love both the sunrises and the sunsets.Great sunsets are rare events.To me it is a gift!Watching the great display of light above the horizon is always a great joy to me.Taking photo of these heavenly beauties is full of fun and satisfaction.The sceneries are always in the state of change as the sun goes down.For technical explaination,please read at the bottom of this posting.

The combinations of colours and the patterns are at times beyond my imaginations.Photos above and below were taken right in front of my door step in BB Bangi.

The photo above is a very special to me .It is the first photo taken with my first DSLR camera at Kuala Perlis in 2008.At this time,I set my camera to auto mode.My knowledge on photography was at kindergarten level.I only know how to compose and played with light.

The intensity of light combined with cloudy sky 
can be scary at time.

When the sun is high in the sky, it generally appears white because all wavelengths of visible light reach an observer's eyes with almost equal intensity. As the sun sinks toward the horizon, sunlight enters the atmosphere at a much lower angle and consequently must pass through much more atmosphere before being seen by an observer. Air molecules scatter away the shorter wavelengths of light (violet and blue) and the only light which penetrates through the atmosphere are the longer wavelengths of light (yellow, orange and red) which produce colorful sunsets. Because of the refraction of sunlight by the atmosphere itself, the sun will appear to be higher in the sky than it actually is. The combination of refraction and scattering of sunlight by atmospheric particles is responsible for producing twilight, the brightness in the sky we observe even though the sun is below the horizon.--WW2010


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