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Two years ago, my friend Nazley lent me his 50mm prime lens so that I could explore portrait photography.I really had a great time shooting my family members and friends portrait photos. Before I discovered this 50mm prime lens,I did not and dare not take portrait photos. Why?Simply because I got bad photos. But with a 50mm prime lens,I discovered the beauty of portrait photography and learnt that portrait photography is not as easy as landscape photography or taking photos during my cycling trips.

Top photo is Mr Peter Sanders-a famous British muslim photographer.He exposed Islamic arts and architecture for the world to see.Below is the fist woman I fell in love with.She is my mother..

Above is my friend Muhamad Alwi. We were at Sheffield University in the 1970s. He is a prolific photographer and has inspired and motivated me to keep shooting. Below is my cousin Muhamad Amin.

The above photo of mine was taken by Azman Karib Ibrahim, a pro photographer while we were on the train to Seremban.

Age makes a lot of difference on how we look. Below are photos of my relatives and friends..

When we get older,we prefer to be among our peers.But at times,I sit down with younger men to share my life experience.

Now, my Canon 400D went kaput and I have returned 50mm lens to Nazley.I plan to buy a 35mm lens for my new Fujifilm XT1 and start shooting portraits again.InsyaAllah.


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