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Putrajaya Inter Parks Rides #26

I have been supporting and taking part in PIPR rides for about three years.We started our first ride with about 20'riders.There were more marshals ,police traffic officers and members of support put together compared he numbers of those taking part.Today,we have more 700 riders taking part and years back,our biggest attendance was almost 3100 cyclists taking pard in the ride.We got it recorded to get a Guiness Book of Records!

As a rider inside the group,I only take photos during our pitstop points and at the start/Finish location.But today,I decided to something different.indecided not be at the starting point but I went about two km ahead of their track so that I could locate a nice strategic location to enable me to snap better quality photos.The above is my example.

As I cycle with my buddies,I just snap along when we slow down or at where we had to get down due to steep gradients or hazards.Today, I stopped at one location where I could see more beautiful flowers to be my shooting location to take photos of my fellows riders as they were cycling pass this point.It was interesting to meet up with strangers and say hello to them and shot them puffing their way up.

So today I fixed my location and shoot at the moving target.It was fun.As of today,I will my snapshot stories which I had written almost 50 pieces and going back to my blogging after I left it almost a year ago.


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