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This weekend I will be hosting a photowalk in Putrajaya for my friends.It is not that I am a reknown or best photographer or most qualified to host the event;it is more of social gathering and facilitating my friends to take photos and enjoy photography at a few beautiful locations that I have personally been there a few times and having fun taking photos there.I have done this similar event about six times in the last three years just for fun and free of charge.By walking in a group, we can have fun and learn from each other.Whenever I go out in a group,I  will choose to walk besides an experienced and good photographer so that I can ask questions on improving my shots.

My walking group ranges from 2 to 20 persons.A few months ago,I attended a Street Photography group in KL where more than 100 persons attended.It was too big to handle..In the end,everyone finds their own friends to form their preferred smaller groups.They only met at the end of the walk for lunch.And that is where the photography conversations begins...


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