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iPhone B&W Photography


It is almost four months since I bought my iPhone14 Pro Max. On average I have been shooting photos about one thousand every month. I am using it every day as a phone and a camera. To me, iPhone is a camera with a phone. So far, I am happy with it. I used it for my KL photowalk. So far, I have done four times!

Yesterday, I used it to monitor my walk using Strava and Pacer. I am very happy that I logged more than 10,000 steps- so far the longest distance for this year. As I was walking, I was taking photos in B&W using the filters available. Here is a my collection of the photos, These are not converted colour photos to B&W photos. 

The above is the best shot I got yesterday. I need to go out more and shoot more in B&W. May I should shoot RAW and edit it to B&W. There is a lot more for me to explore, experiment and learn to be a better photographer.


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