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Good camera phones can take photos as good or better than compact cameras. Even photojournalists use Mobile Phone Camera(MPC) in their professional work. It is socially acceptable to use MPC in events and taking casual shots like the one shown above. Nowadays, everyone takes photos using their MPC but sadly most photos are just snapshots and little efforts were taken to make them good photos for future memories.

Over the years-almost a decade I have been using MPC to shoot photos when I am on the go. I only carry my camera where I am on holiday, on business outstations, at special events and when I go out photowalking alone or with my photog friends.

Below is when I am on the roads. Something interesting just happens or I am passing through beautiful views as shown below.

Below are various examples what I shot and how I shot photos using my MPC.i.e Samsung Galaxy Note5. We cannot never know when we are going to see something worthwhile to take photos.

Below is a unique pattern as captured via my Note5 while I was travelling on MRT Train underground.


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