Walking in the woods alone is my own version of short meditation in motion. I just love to wander around where my legs take me to places according to my heart desire. I switch off my mind not to think where to walk and what photos to take. I just follow my footsteps and take photos of anything that I fancy.
I was seduced by the lighted tree trunks and lighted patches of grass along the lakeside.So I walked and listen to my feelings.
Maybe I was late last Saturday. There were no birds chirping in the trees.I only heard the sound of silence.It was deafening and at times very scary. But I kept moving and found a bridge that connects to a rock garden. However, the track led to the left behind the bushes. What lies behind these bushes, I dare not think and stopped short of crossing the bridge. Slowly I walked away without looking back.Somehow, I got the eerie feeling that someone was watching me...
On the way back to my car, I felt like running , but I kept my cool and walked along the lakeside.Never show you are scared but always show you are brave enough to walk alone.As I was walking on a carpet of dead leaves, every step of my walk made some noise that I felt someone was following me. I cannot pretend anymore. So I walked briskly to my car and drove to Pasar Tani to get two packs of nasi ambeng. Pheww, what a day...
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