My first mobile phone photography began on April 15th 2005, when I shot the above photo in KLCC. Since then, my interest in mobile photography increase in proportion to the quality of the camera built inside the mobile phone. The Nokia N8 is the best Nokia phone camera I had before the onslaught of the new and powerful Treo,iPhone and Samsung Galaxy. To cut the long story short, I am now using Note10Lite. The first half-year of 2021 is my mobile phone photography. Owing to MCO, we are not allowed to go and shoot photos. So what photos I took in the last six months is 99% mobile phone photography. Most photos were taken whenever I can go out buying food, going to the hospital and at business meetings. And a few photos when I go walking or cycling around my neighbourhood. C'est la vie... Warong Nasi Berlauk,Nasi Dagang dan Nasi Kerabu Empty Food Court at EVO BB Bangi Doing Podcasting 91 Episodes in First Half Year 2021 Kitten seeking shelter in a dumped Mercedes car Hanging B...